A lot of you know this, but Bobbi is my grandma name. To these four sweet little peanuts in this picture I am their Bobbi. Some grandchildren have a Nana ( I did ) or a Gramma or a Grannie or any other assortment of names bestowed upon a grandmother. I, however, am unique! I don't know of any other children who call their grandma, "Bobbi." I have my oldest grandson to thank for this moniker. You see, when he was right around 2 years old (give or take) my daughter and I were wondering what he would probably call me. She asked me what I would prefer, and I really didn't have anything selected. I had never really thought of what I might be called when I reached grandmother status. So my reply was, "Let's ask Sage what he wants to call me". His answer was, "Bobbi." My daughter and I were so perplexed by this that we asked him to repeat his answer. We thought he had said, "Mommy" and we just hadn't heard it right. Nope. "Bobbi", he said again. Later when my daughter and I were alone I asked her if he had a friend named Bobby, and she said that not only did he not have any friends with that name, but they didn't know anyone named Bobby. She had no idea where he came up with this, and we laughed. No one thought it would stick longer than a few days. We were sure that another name would no doubt take its place, and that would be the pattern until something permanent was established. Fast forward eleven years and three more grandchildren later. I am still "Bobbi". I did get to select how I wanted it spelled, and since I do love makeup I chose to spell it the same as Bobbi Brown. (my daughters know me and are not surprised by this) Our family has only one Bobbi. And it is I. And I love being called a name of sweet endearment by my precious grandchildren. Thank you so much, Sage!
Love, Bobbi
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